Wednesday, September 30, 2009


 Merci for taking time to visit.  This is my first blog post ever so please be patient as I learn my way around.   As the name implies this blog will be rather heavy on all things romantical with a decidedly French flair. 

Romance has always been my theme, a lifestyle I continually aspire to achieve.   In spite of  life's hustle bustle and not having the time to stop and smell the roses as often as I'd like, I can still appreciate and savor the little moments that can mean so much. 

Allowing everyday people, places and things to be the inspiration for romance.  

"Put a Little Ooh La La in Your life"


à la parisienne said...

It looks like we will have very much in common as I have an affinity for all things French (especially Paris) and I am a true romantic. Thank you for following my blog. I hope you find it inspirational. I love what you have done to your blog. It is already very romantic indeed. Bienvenue to the blogosphere.

BonjourRomance said...

Merci for your kind encouragement. Yes I do find your blog inspirational, your work is gorgeous and trés French. The lastest post featuring your daughter was great and she looks exactly like her mother. Enjoy Quebec City - Bon Voyage! Mimi

Wanda Lee said...

I cannot wait until you post next; and although you're new to the blogging world, I believe that you will resonate very much so, with all of the true romantics out there.., Thank you for your kind comment on one of my blogs. I wish you all the best and I will come back soon to see what delights await!..,

Cheers from Silken Purse

BonjourRomance said...

Thank you Silken Purse for your lovely comments. I hope to get the hang of the blogosphere soon. It is good to know there are alot of us romantics out there.

Temple said...


I wanted to see where all the brillliance began ;-) There's so much inspiration in your early posts, thank you. Will see you soon - can't wait. Hope you are well.

All my best,



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