Monday, September 13, 2010

Time to Celebrate - A Launch Party for Belle Inspiration!

 To celebrate the launch of Belle Inspiration e-Magazine
 we are planning a launch party of sorts.  

 A fête to mark the occasion.

 The location is Blogland

A big MERCI BEAUCOUP to all of you
 who have made this Launch party such a special day!

The online magazine actually went out at on the 14th, at 11:20 p.m. - Paris time
(not that I was keeping track or anything).

I dearly appreciate the flood of emails (nearly 300 and counting!) from happy readers.  
Everyone has been so complimentary and supportive

Perhaps now you know why I have been so excited - each and every contributor is so incredibly talented.   
This would have never worked without you! 

I know I speak for everyone on the team - a BIG MERCI BEAUCOUP!

Go to to reserve you copy!

Also, you still have time to get your name in for the special giveaway.  

A Waterman fountain pen. 

A special edition pen with a pretty band of Swarovsku crystals,
 and a blue case.

The winner will be announced on the evening of the 15th.  

Bonne chance!



Put a Little Ooh La La in Your Life!


desde my ventana said...

This is a great giveaway!!! Thanks you Mimi,

H.R said...

I like this blog because it's similar to mine.

I'm following you now. Be nice and follow my blog :) Thanks

highheeledlife said...

Oh Mimi!!! What a wonderful give-away ... that is such a lovely pen .. I adore writing with fountain pens .. makes every word seem that more magical on the paper!!

I can't wait for the 15th ... I'm excited to be a subscriber of what I know is going to be a wonderful for things of LIFE!

And over the moon happy for you ... to see your baby take her first steps!!!!

XO ... HHL

Cathy said...

What a beautiful giveaway, Mimi. Launch day is almost here and I can't wait for my first issue.

Mary said...

I'm really excited to find your beautiful blog (thanks to Ruth at The Beautiful Life). I have family living in southwestern France, therefore love all things French, especially brocantes and vide greniers!!!

The launch of the E-Zine is eagerly awaited - just know it will be wonderful.
Meanwhile, I would be honored to have my name added to this amazing giveaway to celebrate your new venture.

Many thanks -
Mary - A Breath of Fresh Air

P.S. Love your romantic story of meeting your French hubby!

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

How exciting Mimi .. :-) truly amazing photograpy .. giong to be lots and lots of excitement and fun . You have another wonderful giveaway .. looks beautiful.

Jill said...

pretty pens! :D
congrats on the magazine!

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

Oh my goodness, Mimi,
This takes me back to when I was very young ( that would be many moons ago !! hehe) My first fountain pen was a Waterman...... this one is a litle bit more special than my long lost one. It's gorgeous. I love to write with a real fountain pen.
A beautiful giveaway and very useful too. XXXX

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful giveaway...
Can't wait for the first issue!


Fabulous Finds Gal said...

What a lovely launch party idea! You are too clever. Counting down the hours now! :-)


Barb said...

Hi Mimi,

Please count me in. What a wonderful giveaway. Thank you my friend! I can't wait to see the premier edition.

big hugs,

Barb said...

Me again....
I have a little French giveaway going on that you might be interested in. Ends Sept 14th(evening).

More hugs

Jackie said...

What a love pen!
Please count me in!
Have a wonderful day!

flwrjane said...

This is win-win.

Someone ( maybe me) wins the fountain pen.

But we all win when we come to visit and see how you are doing. And how beautifully you are doing it!

xo jane

Barbara von Enger said...

What a thoughtful and generous giveaway - am sure the winner will be happy with this fountain pen;-)

Anita said...

Mimi- Looking forward to your e-zine. Did you know I collect Waterman's? I always get one to remember special occasions- graduation, marriage, children being born, divorce( bought that one myself) first teaching job....Someone will be very happy to get this! Anita

Little Emma English Home said...

Mimi, the time is near....I can't wait!!!! How much are you excited??? ;)

Dianne said...

Bonjour Mimi ~ What a lovely give-away! and if I win, I will write you a pretty little note using my beautiful pen and send it by slow mail!

A Tale of Two Cities said...

So excited that your launch day is close! I know it has been a labor of love and will reflect all your hard work and creativity. I'm off to Paris this weekend, where I hope to see a little inspiration of my own.


Unknown said...

Oh, Mimi, how generous! I will definitely link to it, VERY excited! Cannot wait for the magazine, so excited and flattered to be a part of it! XX!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh I am so thrilled...put me into the giveaway dear friend! I LOVE CRYSTALS!!! LET'S GOOOOOOO.....Anita

Unknown said...

Hello Mimi, my hard working friend! How nice of you to host this beautiful giveaway!!! I added it to my sidebar and I blogged about the emag this morning :) Hope you can get a little breather once the first issue is out!

Hugs ~

:) T

Lancerika said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lancerika said...

Getting closer..ooh la la..
Does it seems as though Time is passing extremely fast, or painfully slow?
Merci pour la belle fête..
Félicitations Mimi!

Anastasia Schembri said...

What an unbelievable giveaway!! I can't believe the premiere is just so close, I know it will be a smashing success!!
Please count me in, I will be keeping my fingers crossed!!!

love lives in the kitchen said...

hi mimi!
so the great day has alredy came! how exciting!
the giveaway is so also sooo cute!
have a sweet day,

Sara Louise said...

I love the feel of a nice pen.

Best of luck with the launch Mimi! x

Unknown said...

Hi Mimi! I've just looked at the Belle Inspiration preview and I love it! Can't wait to look at it tomorrow!
I will put a link on my blog to this fantastic new e-magazine!

Kimberly Merritt said...

Hi Mimi. I'm excited to see the e-mag. I know you've done a lot of work to get it ready! And giveaways to boot! I'm in. What could be finer than books, paper and pen?!

Bunny said...

Ooh la la I would love to have that pen! I can't wait until the launch, I'm so excited!

NanaDiana said...

You can sign me up! I would love to win I am excited for your with your publicaton of the new e-magazine! Diana

Blue Creek Home said...

I love a celebration!!!! This is a very exciting time for so many of us in blogland. We appreciate you for bringing us this much anticipated e magazine! And, yes I would dearly love to write my grocery list (I guess I could have said love letters!) with this beautiful Waterman pen. I've always wanted one!

I am celebrating the release of "Belle Inspiration" at "Blue Creek Home" too! Come on over!


Kathy F. said...

Yes, what a lovely giveaway! Please enter me! Can't wait to see the new e-magazine.
Kathy Frazier

Mosaic Magpie said...

What a wonderful giveaway, a real keepsake. Waterman pens are known for their fine quality.

Silvia C said...

Love the giveaway, Mimi! I'm excited about the e-magazine. How fun!
Take care.

Unknown said...

Oh yes, I am definitely in! Thank you for such a generous giveaway. And congratulations on the magazine!!! I just received my first issue, and I absolutely love it.
You have worked so hard, you carried your papers around everywhere. (I hope we did not tease too much). It is lovely!
Well done, dear friend!

sydney85 said...

Wonderful giveaway. So excited about your magazine.

Pretty Zesty said...

How lovely! I'd love to win and look forward to the e-mag!!!

Mary Ann said...

I found your blog this evening and became a follower. I am entranced with all things French and would love to be entered in your giveaway.

Vickie H. said...

I have just become a follower of your pretty blog! Please count me in for this very nice giveaway!

*Chic Provence* said...

Beautiful giveaway for beautiful blog and exciting new magazine!!!

I will see you soon in Paris! I'm there the first week of



Dru said...

Love to win it, I love fountain pens, and am looking forward to the launch.

Simply Mel {Reverie} said...

Mimi ~

I just opened my inbox and discovered the premiere issue! I can't wait to settle in with a warm cup of tea and absorb all the beauty that waits within....

And I owe you an email reply too ~ will be in touch very shortly! My little crumb is going on her 'first field-trip' tomorrow, so things are a bit hectic here with fun things, dinner parties, and a little long weekend travel!

Congratulations on the launch!

Anne Lorys said...

Big congrats on the launch of your lovely e-mag! I'm sure it will be a huge success. :-)


Pratishtha Durga said...

Congratulations! This is a great endeavor, and I am sure this will do well. Kudos to you! And such a wonderful give-away.

have a great week, dear Mimi!

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Mimi, Belle Inspiration is a fantasy! I just got my copy... it is a huge edition! So full of beautiful images and inspiring stories.
Enjoy your success! I am so proud of you!
xo Yvonne

VM Creation Atelier said...

Oh,dearest Mimi!!!

CONGRATULATION with the opening of ´´Belle Inspiration´´:-)*

Gorgeous Give Away,OMG!
I jump to my blog and plase you amazing Give Away by me too!!!

And HOW exciting is you selebration Party,my wonderful Friend Mimi:-)))*


Little Emma English Home said...

Many congrats my friend!! I'm so excited for you!!!!!

Zaira xx

Little Emma English Home said...

Many congrats my friend!! I'm so excited for you!!!!!

Zaira xx

Mary Bergfeld said...

Mimi, this is my first visit to your blog. I'm so glad I found you and really have enjoyed my visit. I'll be back often and and will be anxiously awaiting the first appearance of Belle Inspiration. Have a wonderful day. Blessings...Mary

Elaine Leon said...

To those of you not familiar with Waterman Pens, they are the creme of the crop. You will love them!

Tarja Mustonen-Blomquist said...

Have a nice day! Hugs from Sweden!

Anonymous said...

Thud......that was the sound of me passing out on the floor after seeing the 1st edition of Belle Inspiration. I was just blown away!!

Krista @ The Heirloom Boutique said...

Congrats on the launch! Love the blog and would love to be included in the giveaway.

My Grama's Soul said...




Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

MIMI! I have replied several times to the magazine Irecieved thinking that you might receive my comments but I shall leave them here....MY HUSBAND LOVES WHAT YOU DID....I LOVE THE MAGAZINE, AND JUST KNOW THAT I LOVE YOU AND WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR US ALL to give us a chance to feel like writers! I am working on my next entry.....Merci mon are grand!!! Lovingly, Anita

Barb said...

Oh Mimi,

I was absolutely blown away. You are incredible! It will take me ages to go through each and every page.
You deserve a big hug for a job well done.

North of 25A said...

I can't wait see. A Waterman pen is a snazzy way to celebrate. Thanks!

Lancerika said...

Magnifique bonjour à toi,
Belle Mimi,
I'm enchanted and savouring
each page..*merveilleux*
Merci to *you* and the team!

Tilly Rose said...

Hi hun!
What a wonderful success!!!!
Whoop! whoop! Get that champers out will only take me a couple of hours to get to you on the train...we can celebrate together hee hee!
Please count me in for the lovely a prize!
Karen x x x

Eve said...

Dear Mimi,

congratulations to you for the first issue ! This is so amazing to see how it grows and it looks fabulous !

It must have been really a lot of work ! Respect for that !

All those wonderful reports and inspiring pictures, you did really a very very good job ! (Especially those gorgeous swirlies are so cute...) I wish you many interested readers and thousand issues more to come !

Thank you for everything
Big hug

Bardot in Blue said...

ahhh congrats on the launch! so exciting and happy that this takes place in blog land so I can attend!

let me know if you try my cake recipe how it works out for you!

xoxo Haleigh

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Dearest Mimi and team - a huge congratulations, BonjourRomance is live!! I just opened my online subscription & I was ultimately thrilled. Every photograph and the content is divine.

Mimi you said it perfectly "because a woman loves so many things". It's true and I will love each issue of BonjourRomance. I wish you all the very best as you enter this exciting world.

Thank you for bringing such beauty into my life. xo xo Merci Deb

Unknown said...

Sorry for being soooo late on following you!!! This post about pens is amazing...I love them! And I love your style!! You've got a brand new fan!