Monday, October 4, 2010

Do you have a special story?

Yes, I know it is way too early to start talking about Christmas
but it will be here before we know it. 
Belle Inspiration e-Magazine, 'The Holiday Edition', goes online November 15th, 
and we need your help!  

We are planning a special section in Belle Inspiration for our readers to tell 
and touching 
Thanksgiving and Christmas stories

We would love to hear about your family traditions, unexpected gifts,
 and the true meaning of Christmas.  

Do you have a special Christmas story or memory that you would like
 to share with Belle's readers? 

Email me HERE with your story along with your first name, 
and the State/Country where you live.  

We will be choosing several stories to include in 'The Holiday Edition' of Belle, 
and if yours is chosen we will send you a petit cadeau (little gift)!

Current Issue is online now!  

Merci beaucoup for your help!

Put a Little Ooh La La in Your Life!

Iron Gate photo: Michele Rosenthal, aka: Bunny


VM Creation Atelier said...

Hello,my dearest Mimi:-)*
Are you ok,my dear friend?

Oh...I can't good enough to write in english...
That is realy great,lovely idea of you for you November issue ''Belle Inspiration''!

Come by me,take a look at my last post with a Paris inspiration...

My warm hugs to you,

Anna Margaret said...

Aw Mimi so very please to cross paths with your Blog filled with such loveliness...hand written by such sweetness!
I am inspired <3

myletterstoemily said...

there are so many talented writers here
that you will be inundated with stories,
and i can't wait to read them all!

bunny, The Paris House said...

I am beyond excited to read all the fabulous articles in my favorite magazine 'Belle Inspiration'! I can't wait

Jenny said...

I will put my reminicsing (sp?) and spelling cap on and hope to have the privilege of submitting magical holiday memory. THank you for this opportuniy. I have finally caught up on your recent entries and totally need to add the Palais Royal tea shop to my must list. Have a wonderful week dear Mimi.

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Hello there!! May I just say I don;t think its ever too early to talk or think about Christmas!! The magazine looks lovely! Hope you are well!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Dearest one....I am working on my story for BI, and please let me know a cut off date when I need to get my draft in to you is crazy, but maybe I can write a different version that would suit this season's issue....please know that I WANT TO DO THIS! Anita

highheeledlife said...

I'm working on someting for BI and hope to have to you in the next week or so .. ... XO HHL

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That sounds so lovely!

Travel With Lulu said...

Oh, Christmas is such a special time with warm fuzzy memories. I've already started my Christmas shopping :) What a lovely blog you have

Your newest follower,

deborah said...

I love Christmas and your blog is wonderful! So glad I found it... will have to enter your contest soon. What a great idea you have for writers!

Silvia C said...

What a great idea, Mimi! I don't have any stories that I can think of, but I'll bet you'll find wonderful ones. Can't wait to see your online magazine. Kisses.

cocoa and coconut said...

I don't sorry! But what a gorgeous image. Your magazine is coming along fabulously; well done.

Cathy said...

It's hard to think that Christmas is just a few weeks away. I'm looking forward to your holiday issue. I know it will be wonderful.

Barb said...

Hi Mimi,

Thank you for stopping by. Your words touched my heart.
I am still going through Belle Inspiration- so much to see. It is a treat in every sense of the word.

I contacted Debra from SCS. I am thinking about becoming a member.

Big hugs,

P.S. The iron gate photo is magical.

Kimberly Merritt said...

It's on its way (soon!) Mimi.

We've already had our first frost and the pumpkins and mums are calling to me to start making Halloween costumes!

My Grama's Soul said...

Hello sweet Mimi.....still traveling so It is almost impossible to E-mail...but blogger seems to be working I can check in.
Such a great idea to have us submit ideas for your Christmas issue....hmmmm....maybe I'll have to put my thinking cap on here!! (O:

Hugs to you,


Elaine Leon said...

What a great idea!!! Hope you get lots of inspirational stories to share!

Rita said...

Dearest Mimi,
what a lovely idea for your next issue of BI. I'd love to make my part but unfortunately I'm an awful writer and can't think of anything that could be of interest for your readers (this is also one of the reasons why I've rarified my posts as it looks like I'm running out of things to share...
sending warm Autumn blessings your way

Simply Colette said...

Love that photo! ALOT... and can't wait to read the Christmas stories!

Barbara von Enger said...

Am burning with anticipation. What a sweet photographs above. Ah, in the mood for XMAS. xx

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Mimi, My dear one! I can't wait to see what beautiful stories will fill the pages of our beloved BI!
Christmas stories are so magical!
I miss talking to you! I'm sure you are very, very busy with BI.
With love,

Little Emma English Home said...

Hi Mimi! You're on my blog today!! Tell me if evertyhing's ok for you too....I thought differently for our interview, I'll mail you soon!!! Hugs ♥

toves sammensurium said...

HI Mimi...don´t you think Zaira sent me over???? But so glad she did,and introduced me to yoour wonderful Belle magazine - I watched the youtube video and I can only say it looks very promising!!!

Marta said...

Cara Mimi, ti scopro grazie a Zaira e al suo post di oggi!
Non è mai troppo presto per parlare del Natale! Anzi!
In bocca al lupo per il tuo giornale!
Un bacione


Beach House Living said...

Stopping in to say hello via Zaira's blog. Your magazine looks very exciting.

Marta said...

I'm so sorry Mimi! I thought you were an italian girl! Your blog is so beautiful! I'm looking forward to make an english version of my blog! I'm so happy you like my blog!
Kisses! Marta!

Sandy at Ooh La Frou Frou said...

Lovely, lovely blog, darling! Just dropped by to say thanks for following the Ooh La Frou Frou Collection blog ~ you're now one of the Glamorous Girlfriends!

I followed your pretty blog while I'm here! Ooh La Frou Frou girl Alex will be posting the next post on Monday ~ drop on by ;)

Anonymous said...

Hello...this blog is wonderful...
I arrived from Little Emma English Home ^^

Vær våken said...

Zaira sent me here today and I would love to win one year with Belle Inpsiration. If not I am very close to suscribe! It looks wonderful!! Have a great weekend!!!

Lancerika said...

Belle Mimi,
les couleurs d'automne entrent!
love the snowy iron gate image,
shaped like an elegant harp..
Vous souhaiter une belle fin de semaine!
it is going to be a very special
*Belle Inspiraton*edition!

vicki archer said...

What a wonderful's never too soon to think of Christmas...Happy Sunday, xv.

Rossella said...

Hy, I come from Little Emma, your blog is very beautiful ..

Booklinks said...

Hi Mimi,
I am so glad Zaira sent me to your wonderful blog!
Very exiting and wonderful ideas!Have a wonderful week,

an encourager said...

Hello! I hopped over here from littleemmaenglishhome. Both of you have wonderful blogs!

Unknown said...

Ooh Mimi, I did not have a chance to enjoy Fall yet.... The idea of Christams beiing so close scares me a little :-)))I absolutely love the very first picture! I am sending you many kind wishes from New York and hoping you will have a fantastic week ahead!

le idee migliori mi vengono di notte said...

Mi ha mandato Zaira e devo dire che le foto sono veramente stupende..spero di essere io la fortunata

Marta said...

Anch'io sono mandata da Zaira!!!
...bellissimo il tuo blog!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mimi, Yes, I have what I think is a special story and will try to get it to you soon. I am giving away a subscription to Belle Inspiration at my blog party. Come on over for a visit. xoxo Lynn @thevintagenest

Jill said...

Hello Mimmi
I have been a follower of your friend at Little Emma English Home and have come from her blog to yours, what a lovely idea for an on line magazine - and it looks so inspiring I would love to win the subscription to it. I am a magazine fanatic! I have added the competion to my blog!
Maybe I will have a story about my cottage in the country in Devon UK come on over to my blog to have a little preview.


Eri said...

Hi, my name's Erica from Bryce's House Blog; I came here from Zaira's Little Emma English Home Blog, nice to meet you! I've just met belle Inspiration, it's fantastic! I'll subscrive to the newsletter immediately! Kiss,

Heidi @ City Girls Farmhouse said...

Belle Inspiration looks like such a fantastic publication! Little Emma English home sent me over..

Pam said...

Beautiful all the way, Mimi-i came from Zaira's blog, and your blog and magazine are just as terrific as she promised!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

MIMI DEAR! HOw are you....I haven't seen you lately. I am sure you are super busy....I am worried about getting you the article....please contact me. Anita

Bardot in Blue said...

what a great idea! i too can't wait for x-mas :-)

PS my pink paris post the pink house in saint germaine i first saw on your blog with a picture you took! that's how i found it :-)

hope you are enjoying our blue skies and crisp fall weather this week!

xoxo BB

Lee said...

Hey Mimi,
Or peek a boo... guess who...
Thought this Texas gal would visit you in your fabulous world today... I don't blog much anymore
or comment much but you stirred my sentimental blog memories with your Christmas post in October... remember my 'Silent Night post? I hope you are still having blogging fun! Blessings to you!
I guess if I where to post again... it would read..."Silent Comments" giggle...

I am off to visit Belle Inspiration Online Magazine!

To-da-loo my friend!
Retired Inspired Comblogulations

giggle... Lee

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

MIMI!!! I thought of you while I was making this post, because I know that you are so thankful for your CHOU! Aren't our men fabuleux? I love Ruben so much and the things he does for me humble me so! THank you for your lovely visit....I just adore you!! BISES, Anita

Rita said...

dear mimi,
just a quick note to say hi and wish you a wonderful time working on the next issue of B.I.

French said...

I can't wait to see the holiday edition! Have a lovely week-end~ Andrea

Lancerika said...

Bonjour belle Mimi,
just a petit note to tell you
how incredibly glorious the L'automne colours are now.Burgundy,crimson,
cinnamon,golden and caramel
peachy hues in western NC.
Vous souhaiter le plus joli de fins de semaine*
être bien

Janelle said...

Greetings Mimi,
A little greeting to let you know that Ria sent me!
Best wishes in all you do,

Anonymous said...

I'm your newest follower and thank you so much for following me! I love your blog, it's AMAZING!! Thank you for such a sweet comment on my post! xoxoxo

Anonymous said...

Oh I can't wait to get the latest edition! This new one looks like it will be delish too! Have a wonderful weekend! xoc

Decor To Adore said...

Oh Mimi! I am so excited! This is going to be a wonderful issue.

Have I given you everything you need? My head to just swimming with to do's. :)

Be blessed dear one.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

MIMI! I finished a rough draft.Go to LE BROUILLON and see it. Again, I emptied my email and I LOST YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS! Anita

Martha said...

Bonjour Mimi!

I've come here from Zaira's blog and I am becoming a follower here at your truly lovely blog. What a beautiful magazine you've created in Belle Inspiration!

I look forward to checking in here often and the Christmas memories stories are a fantastic idea. Can't wait to read them!

A Bientot!

stefyfor said...

Hi! Zaira sent me here. I'd like to win the subscription at Belle inspiration

Anonymous said...

I'll have one of those gates to go, merci. :) Have a wonderful Sunday ~ xox Alexandra

Chani said...

Hi Mimi, the new magazine looks amazing, wishing you all the best!


Susan Marlene said...

Oh what a beautiful magazine! If you don't mine I want to share your blog and the opportunities to write an article for your magazine with our writers group. Pens of Praise Christian Writers Group! I love peeking in on your blog. I love all things beautiful also!