Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Parisian Blogger Getaways!

    I am very excited about something I've been thinking about for quite some time now.  Just waiting for the righttime - in between publishing Belle Inspiration, working at our petite travel company here in Paris, and living life.

    Our travel compnay, Paris Travel Group (est.2007), specialises in personalised itineraires, private tours, and guidebooks. 

     I was fortunate enought to meet several bloggers in Paris in September, and that is when the idea was born.  
Tailor-made tours for Bloggers in Paris!

I can help you plan your independent excursion, or I can personally greet you and show you the sights of the City of Lights. 

  Either way it is based on your budget and what you want to see and do, 
from 1 day to 1 month.  Cooking, Chocolate lovers, fashionistas, Fleas/Brocantes, Photography - we can help get you where you want to go!

Perfect for two friends, or a group of bloggers wanting to explore all the fascinating rues and boutiques of Paris together.

Choose from one of our popular tours, or 
let us create one just for you!

Here is a brief sample itineraire of a recent tour  I designed for a special pair of blog friends just before Christmas.  They had visited Paris before so alot of independent time was included, along with some interesting classes off the tourist track. 

Click for Full Size


Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hello Mimi .. Wow I think this is a fantastic idea ..♥♥..and a super blogger friend you are too!!! Lets hope we can meet for coffee again very soon ..take care. Anne xo

Susan B said...

What a fabulous idea!!! If we were going to be in Paris for longer this next time, I'd definitely do this.

Jenny said...

Oh, Mimi I dreamily want to reserve a spot with you. I hope one day, with my family, to meet up with you and see a little of your Paris...what a treat that would be. I am about to post a Frenchy post because daydreaming of Paris/FRance has been knocking about during this time of cabin fever winter.

Elaine Leon said...

Planning on doing this!!! Hope to meet you then!

Our Hopeful Home said...

I've always wanted to visit Paris, but until that day, your video makes me feel as if I were there!

VM Creation Atelier said...

It would be wonderful,dear Mimi:-)*
Such so lovely so lively and so invited!!!

Cheers,love to you,

bikim said...

i want to go there one of this days!
happy night!

Silvia C said...

Wow, Mimi. What a great idea! It'll be great for the next time I'm in Paris!

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

What a great idea and I can't wait to visit.
My sister and I are hoping to make it there sometime next year.


Dumbwit Tellher said...

Mimi absolutely brilliant. Does your mind ever sleep?! Honestly this is a tremendous idea. I can think of many bloggers that would love nothing more than a custom designed Parisian getaway. I think this is going to be the talk of the blogs for many days & weeks to come. I'm off now to purchase a few lotto tickets, I can't think of a better way to spend my money. Wishing continued success to a marvelous lady. xo Deb

Renée Finberg said...

what could be better???

myletterstoemily said...

what a great idea! you will be inundated
with happy blog travelers! if we ever go
back, i will certainly be in touch.

cocoa and coconut said...

Sounds like a great new idea for you and the rest of us. I wish I could say I'm travelling soon and I'd use you - but I think that will have to wait until next year!

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Mimi, it has always since I was a little girl to go to Paris and the flea market ha ha!! How fun for you my friend..I bet you meet lots of nice people doing this..Hugs and smiles Gloria

à la parisienne said...

What a dream job you've created for yourself!
Best of luck in this new endeavor. The next time I plan a trip to Paris, I will remember you.


Anonymous said...

Mimi: What a wonderful idea! You are amazing: always something new..and I loved the interview over at Sharon's. Well, I hope to get back next fall and would certainly let you know way ahead of time: just need to sell our old house first!
Bonne journee!

Tilly Rose said...

Hi Mimi!
Wonderful idea hun!
You know where I am if you need a guinea pig anytime...hee hee!!

Karen x x x

Enzie Shahmiri said...

Mimi what a grand idea! If I had more time I would totally do it. What better vacation than to spend it with other ladies who share the same interest. Perhaps one day ~

Have a great weekend and thanks for saying hello!

Barbara von Enger said...

My girlfriend does the same thing in Paris and she's quite busy doing it. Hope it all works out well. Let's meet you and I.

xinex said...

Hi Mimi, I saved your site on my blog roll. I've been to Paris and it's beautiful. We offered to take my granddaughter again on her spring break next month but she'd rather stay home to go to a local festival happening that week. Anyway, I am sure we will go back some other time. I love Paris! I want to go to a flea market and antique shops and see the church where St. Therese' body is displayed.....Christine

Fabulous Finds Gal said...

Oh my! Oh la la! You have so inspired me this evening. I must, I must, I must make it to Paris with my Mother and take your tour.


Karena said...

Mimi you are just the best!!

I adore you and your thoughtfulness, I know that any trip planned with you would be fabulous!

Art by Karena

Eri said...

Hello Mimi, what a fantastic idea!!! great! I've just been in paris 2 times alone and I know that organize a week-end trip in not easy in a big city like Paris! I promise that if I could have the opportunity to come back, I'll write you immediately! Have a nice week-end and thankyou for the message on my blog! kiss,

Anonymous said...

It is an absolutely lovely idea ~ xox Alexandra

Mary Bergfeld said...

This is such a wonderful idea. I hope this new service provided by your business is enormously successful. I hope you have a great day. Blessings...Mary

French Charmed ~ Chelle said...

Bonjour Mon Ami ~ I am saving my pennies for this very special trip to Paris. Hope to get there sooner than later! Looking forward to more on this fabulous new project. Happy weekend! ox ~ Chelle

Chari at Happy To Design said...

Hello dear Mimi...

My friend, I think your idea for a blogger's tour in Paris is splendid! I just know that you would make the most gracious hostess ever! Well my dear, you can be certain that if I am ever so blessed to return to Paris...I will be calling upon you! Ohhh...what fun we would have...right? Of course, I wish you the very best in your endeavours, sweet friend! Girl, you are going to be a busy little bee with all of your creative adventures! Hehe!

I just wanted to come by to say hello and see how you were doing, my friend! I'm so glad that you stopped by for a is always such a pleasure! I hope that my note is finding you and your french honey both doing well!

Warmest wishes,

bikim said...

just to wish::::
happy weekend!

Kay Ellen said...


I will have to remember that!!
Really hoping to visit in 2013 or sooner~~!!

Love the photos!!

Kay Ellen

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh my dearest, yes, FRAZZLED IS THE PERFECT WORD! I have not been able to visit anyone in the last two days. I was preparing for an important observation of my teaching and even though my early mornings are dedicated to blogging and exercise, I was unable to do both this week! I LOVE YOUR GETAWAY PLAN HERE! AND....that gray sofa. GO GRAY FOR JC's office! It is such a calming color! Rubenn's new office is also gray and it should be. An office should be a calming place and that color is perfect. WOOOO I cannot wait for Spring break. This is the first year I have taught ENGLISH and French together and the work load for TWO CLASSES and managing is much too much. I have no choice however. I cannot quit, and teaching is becoming more and more diminished on resources so those of us that are fortunate enough to be kept have to take on a load sometimes unimaginable to bear. But we continue and hope these kids learn. WELL....LET US THINK OF SPRING AND BEAUTIFUL THINGS!!!! Love you Mimi, Anita

Vær våken said...

Hi!! And thank you so much for your museum tip. I WILL go some time! This year my friends will decide what they want to do because it is their first time :)We're definitely going to Laduree though. I love it as a cafe and also as a restaurant!! How exciting it is with this Paris Travel Group!! Good luck!!!! And a beautiful Sunday to you!

Kristin xo

Draffin Bears said...

Bonjour Mimi,

What a fabulous idea ~ having just visited your beautiful City, would have been great to have gone on the Paris Travel Group with you.
Wishing you all the best with your new venture.

Happy week

Gaia said...

I'm so honored to know you!
Congratulations on your projects!

Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

Oooh what a FANTASTIC idea - only FOUR weeks (!!) now until we arrive in France, so once we are settled and baby has arrived I would be a very willing client Mimi! We are so excited about introducing Le Bebe to Paris - maybe we can take some time off from the Salon de The for my birthday in October - oooh something to look forward to :-) xxx

Jeannie said...

Hi Mimi, I am going to save this site for future use...lovely idea and I shall have to persuade someone to go with me hopefully in the near future!:D

Unknown said...

This is a great idea and it would save time become most of the time people don't stay very long in Paris :)
Thank you so much for linking up to the French Obsession party !

Hani Handayani said...

Sharing nih bro Obat lipoma tanpa operasi also Obat penumbuh jaringan kulit dan daging write Obat benjolan di depan telinga kanan dan kiri reading Obat telat datang bulan listening Obat untuk atasi sudah lama tidak haid running Obat keloid di wajah next Obat nyeri tumit kaki kanan dan kiri going Obat luka usus worry Obat limpa bengkak more Obat benjolan seperti bisul di bibir vagina Thank you so much...