One of the joys of blogging have been meeting so many talented blog friends.
Tracey Ayton is one of those talented ladies.
She sees life through the Camera's eye!
Tracey is an interior/gardens/lifestyle and food photographer, based out of Vancouver, BC, Canada. Photography has been a passion of Tracey for 15 years, and in her own words, "Having a job that is 99% fun is a gift and meeting people who are at the top of their game is so inspiring.
They've excelled, doing what they love to do, and do it well.
I always hope some of that will rub off on me."
They've excelled, doing what they love to do, and do it well.
I always hope some of that will rub off on me."
She lives with her husband and a big goofy dog named Griffon.
Her photography skills are obvious.
Delicate and pretty, she always seems to catch the perfect light.

See more of Tracey work at ,
and her blog Tracey Ayton Blogspot
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
Gorgeous pictures! Thanks for the introduction.
Such painterly photographs - so exquisite!
Hi Mimi...
Ohh...what fabulous photos! Yes, Tracey is a very talented photographer and I sooo enjoyed looking through a few of her photos in your post today! Thank you for sharing them with us!
Well dear friend, just thought I would come by to say hello and see how you are doing! I have just a couple of days before things get very busy. My youngest daughter and five grandchildren will be here this weekend. I'm just beside myself with excitement! I'm going to take a little blogging break while they are here. Well sweet friend, I do hope that my note is finding you and your french honey both doing well! Have a fabulous weekend!
Love ya,
Her photos are spectacular! I'll have to check out her blog!
Have a lovely day.
They're lovely photographs, thanks for sharing. Hope you're well and enjoying the same gorgeous weather on your side of the channel. Bisous & Love from London xo
Oh that are beautiful pictures! Most of all I like that cupboard with all that differant teacups!
Regards Janny
All of these photos are just lovely :) Happy weekend dear friend! Xoxoxo
Beautiful photos .. the tea cup cupboard is magical!! .. Thanks for sharing this wonderful discovery and she's Canadian ... will be stopping by to visit..xo
Hope all is well with you and the Mr. .. sending you hugs and blessings across the ocean..xo HHL
Tracey does some beautiful work...I am going to pop over to her blog! Thanks, Mimi!
What a talented woman!
Hi Mimi!
Thanks for introducing us to such a talented artist and photographer.
Hi Mimi dear,
Tracey's photography is more than skill - she has an eye for beauty and perfect timing. I can smell those flowers from here.
Mimi This kind of Fine Art Photography just is equisite!!
The right equipment is just the beginning, she has a great eye and knows when the light is perfect and waits for it!
Art by Karena
Oh how I envy a good photographer! That candy jar is BREATHTAKING!!! Isn't blogland wonderful, dearest? Happy day in PARIS!!!! Anita
Very pretty! xo, nicolette
She obviously has a thing for white. I love to see homes decorated in white, although it isn't a big part of my household with two teenage boys and two black cats.
She is so talented, and these photos are just gorgeous. Belle is such an amazing place to discover wonderful and amazing people such as this! You are right, the lighting is just out of this world in her photos! Wishing you a lovely weekend Mimi, and wanted to let you know I sent you an email! :)
Wow, Thank you everyone for all of the lovely comments. Belle is definitely an amazing place to discover wonderful people. Thank you Mimi for your generosity!!
Have a wonderful weekend !!!!
xo Tracey
The photos have their own language!
Soulfully beautiful.
See you soon Mimi :)
I see why you love her work... So beautiful. Carla
Bonjour Mimi!
Yes, the beach is where I want to spend my birthday! The SISTAHOOD is going to NICE FRANCE next weekend with a stopover in other European spots....get you tutu and get into the water with us! I would NEVER wear a bathing suit! But a tutu, why not?
Hi Mimi!
Very nice pictures!Hope you will have a lovely, sunny week!
Gorgeous Mimi!! Thanks for the introduction :)
Jeanne xx
So gorgeous! I love the teacup collection! I can't wait to see the new edition of the magazine!
Hi Mimi,
The photographs of Tracey's, are wonderful and thank you for showing us.
I really love the china teacups and cabinet.
Happy week
A talented photographer, thankyou for introducing her.
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