Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Luxury Car - French Style

Only in France
can you find a car decked out with Louis XV furniture

Thought you could use a laugh.

Belle Inspiration Magazine will be live in another week!
Take a look at these scrumptious images...don't you just love that word?

Put a Little Ooh La La in Your Life!

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Little Treasures

What are your plans for 2012?

Any special dreams you've had tucked away in your back pocket?

Or up on the shelf waiting for a better time? 

I like to think of all those secret hopes and dreams as
 little treasures waiting to be discovered.

This Fall has been quite a time for my French Honey and I.
Mostly all good, but a few unexpected health scares that had us on our knees.
Once again, I am reminded how precious is the time we spend with those we love.

I don't usually make new years resolutions, but this year I've decided to just go for it!

I'm anxious to see what you have planned!

Put a Little Ooh La La in Your Life!