Friday, July 16, 2010

Giveaway & Bastille Day Video

I'm late yet again posting about the giveaway I promised for this week.

Better late than never!
On a trip to a nearby antique shop I found these very versatile black jet beads.

 You can easily double or triple the strands for lots of possibilities.

They are in good shape with a gold toned clasp

I have a few strands similar to these and wear them often.
They add a touch of elegnace to any outfit.

If you would like to enter to win this giveaway:

1. Leave a comment
2. Become a follower, or let me know you are a new follower.

Random Generator will choose the winner on
 Wednesday July 21st.

Bonne chance!

Yesterday was Bastille Day in France.

Unfortunately it rained throughout the big parade,
but it cleared up just in time for the fireworks at La Tour Eiffel

Here is a short video of the festivities
We had a great spot at the foot of the Eiffel Tower

(Disclaimer: I warned you I am not a filmmaker...)

Put a Little Ooh La La in Your Life!


highheeledlife said...

Oh la la!!! those are so sweet and yes I agree very versatile. Just the right touch to bring a casual outfit up a couple of notches.

I'm already a follower.

Thank you for hosting such a wonderful give-away. Good Luck to everyone...HHL

nycstylelittlecannoli said...

gorgeous vintage necklace...would be great layered with maybe pearls! I am a follower....have a great night!

Susan B said...

Oh, those are lovely and elegant! I'm already a follower, or I'd sign up again.

Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Mimi!
I love the vintage black necklace,
very chic!

Also, the video of the fireworks at the ET!!! So beautiful. You live where most of us only dream of being.


à la parisienne said...

Bonjour, Mimi!

These beads are wonderful! I can think of several ways that I would enjoy them! Please enter me in and I'm a follower!


sequestered and serene said...

Greetings Mimi,

What scrumptious beads! I am a follower so please enter me. Also, I shall be visiting Paris for the third time next March and cannot wait to find flea markets to peruse!

gerre lynne

Anonymous said...

How pretty! I'm already following also. :) Glad the rain cleared up for you. Brenda

drub-b said...

Gorgeous and so classic

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

My dearest Mimi! Happy belated Bastille Day!

Your giveaway is so lovely. And I would have so many uses for a strand of jet black antique beads, but I am not participating in this wonderful giveaway (sniff, sob!) I have been on a winning streak lately and have won 5 giveaways in the last 5 months, so I think someone else should have a chance.
Better than the beads is your wonderful friendship! That is the real treasure to me.

I did get our email. Everything is okay~ I have just had a rough patch this weekend and beginning of the week. I have an absessed tooth. Can you believe it! It's under control now. I'll be planning to get to LeDew in the next week or two.
I'll write this weekend.
Thank you dear one for your wonderful friendship!

cocoa and coconut said...

Happy Bastille Day. Thank you so so much for posting this video, I can now vicarously live through it, pretending each night that I'm at the foot of the Eiffel Tower. It almost made me cry the sheer beauty of it!

Emily said...

I follow you. What a beautiful video!

Carole Poirot said...

Bonjour Mimi, I love that necklace, I've actually inherited vintage jet black beads from Bill's late grandmother and I think they're gorgeous.
Oh yes, I'm already a follower :-) Have a lovely day and weekend. Love from London x

Barbara von Enger said...

AH, such charming beads. You have choosen well, my lovely. Can't wait to see who the lucky winner is;-)

Little Emma English Home said...

I love this necklace!!!! So elegant and charming, I want it!!!

I will get in touch very soon ;)

Bisous xx

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning precious Mimi!!! My mom had a necklace like this, and it was so elegant! I wish I knew what happened to it....please enter me in, PLEASE!!! AND BASTILLE DAY...I remember being at La Tour Eiffel eight years ago for this fantastic celebration!!! Enjoy the weekend...Anita OH! I am a follower, bien sûr!!

A Tale of Two Cities said...

What a generous giveaway! I'm thinking there would be so many ways to wear these beads, so please enter me in.


love lives in the kitchen said...

what a lovely necklace! i hope to be a lucky winner!
i'm already your follower!
have a great weekend,

From the Kitchen said...

My stylish Aunt Peg had a necklace such as your giveaway. Once, she let me wear it to a school dance. I felt truly elegant!!

I just became a "follower" although I thought I already was one!!


Unknown said...

Oh, gorgeous! Love these, I would love to win, and of course I'm a follower! Glad you enjoyed Bastille Day, wish I could spend at least one Bastille Day in France to celebrate! XO!

Fabulously French said...

Love that necklace and the video is great - almost as good as being there :-)

Bon week-end a toi,

Leeann x

"Create Beauty" said...

Hi Mimi! I am becoming a follower as soon as I post this! Sign me up for that give-away! I'd become a folower anyway ... !!!
~ Violet

Fete et Fleur said...

I just saw a post by my SIL, of Castles Crowns and Cottages. I'm so excited about your online magazine, and that she will be in it. I seem to have visited at the perfect time too. This is a lovely giveaway.

I am adding you to my Wonderful Places to Visit.


PS We celebrated Bastille day here too.

Jackie said...

These are gorgeous!!!!

Hope all is well in France!


Anonymous said...

OOOh la la..yes please do enter me for a chance to win! I have just found your blog and I like it very much!

ciao bella
creative carmelina

Anonymous said...

Oh and yes! I am now following you...

so enter me twice!

and do come by for a quick visit!
I look forward to getting to know you and your french flair!

ciao bella
creative carmelina

Unknown said...

oohhh tres chic!!!

desde my ventana said...

Hello Mimi,
What a beautiful giveaway !!! I think it's a very elegant and cmbi jewel.
Have a lovely weekend,

Gaia said...

I know I'm late.... Happy holiday! I hope you have a great weekend!

Talk to you on monday!

D. Jean Quarles said...

What a lovely video. You might not be a professional film maker, but I thought it was very artistic. :)

I'm a follower.

libby said...

Hi From New Zealand, I have just discovered your blog via a comment you made on Corey Amaros site - and would love to become a follower. love the content of your blog and look forward to more inspiration from France.

Mary Ann said...

hello mimi! it is great to be back to enjoy reading your posts, lots of catch up to do, and sorry for the late return. thank you for your sweet messages. have a great weekend! verbena cottage

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Mimi ma belle!!! You came....I hope that you found my "suggestion" of the theme appropriate! Some of my friends such as Violet, Carmelina and my sister-in-law Nancy were very happy to meet you!!! YIPPEEE! I am working on the article now again; my sweet husband had to go out today to get a walk around the mall...he just can't sit still, and he loves for me to be there with can I resist a man who after 28 years, still wants to be with you!!! Talk soon, Anita

charmaine said...

Hi Mimi!

It was so nice hearing from you! Happy belated Bastille Day! How's your summer been going so far? It is super hot here in California. Just wanted to stop by and say hello. Thank you again for your comment. Wishing you all the best! You know, I just noticed, I can't believe I haven't been following you a long time ago. Well I'm one now. Take care!

God Bless,

Bunny said...

Hello dear Mimi, I sounds like a glorious celebration! I adore those beads and should I be fortunate enough to win....have already planned an outfit around them! Have a nice weekend.
Oliver says hello :)

Draffin Bears said...

I have just discovered your beautiful blog, via Leeann.
I am now a follower and I look forward to visiting again.
What a generous giveaway and such pretty black beads.
I enjoyed seeing your video ~ thank you.

Happy weekend

Sweet European Dreams said...

thanks for stopping by my page this week! Wish I could have been there for Bastille Day - I miss Paris so much these days - especially now that it's summer!

Sara Louise said...

Sorry to hear it rained on your Bastille Day, It was hot as hades here! We had a long lazy lunch outside with too much rosé and pastis... heaven!

Those black beads are fab!

manon 21 said...

Réponse le 21!!
Je tente ma chance...

merci de ta visite


Chronicles of Dolliedaydream said...

Hello Mimi and happy weekend to you! I love your video of the fireworks what a perfect place to watch a dsisplay at the foot of the Eiffel Tower just fabulous! I've just posted a few funny videos over on DollieD of a concert I attended on Thursday evening - a little too much screaming at a young boy band for my age lol! I am feeling lucky this weekend so would love to enter your kind giveaway thank you so much - if I was lucky enough to win I would style the beads with a 1920's inspired outfit xxx

VM Creation Atelier said...

Hello,dear Mimi:-)*

Such a many lovely comments here about these realy stylish vintage necklace...and me too would love to do this!

Black is always gorgeous glamour and almost always to wear it!!!

My Love,my care,
Thank you SO much for you email,dearest Mimi,I sent to you some photos of my work:-)*

Madeline's Memory said...

I am and have been a follower. Love the beads and they would look simply tres bonne around my neck.
Enjoy, Dana

Gaia said...

Un grande bisou!!!

thanks for the words you've said on maria's Blog!

you are a very sweet spirit!
have a great weekend!

Rita said...

Dearest Mimi,
I've truly missed your visits lately but I understand how busy you must be with your online magazine. so glad to learn that Anita will be part of the project. she is indeed a very talented woman with definitely a lot to share.
what a gorgeoug vintage necklace. I happen to have a couple of outfits which would remarkably benefit from that necklace. please enter me in.
and good luck to everyone.
have a fab sunday.
mine will be extremely hot, just like the rest of the week. nearly 40 °C and 98% humidity... unbearable. only hoping some rain will come all the way down from up north to bring us some rest from this awful heatwave.

Casa Mia said...

Oh la la, July 21st is my birthday! Love this so much

Oliver said...

Hi mimi
thanks for comming over to my blog it's so nice to do that i like your post is so nice & pretty & i just wanted to say hi you take such nice picture's

Lancerika said...

celébration merveilleuse!
wish I was there that day,
rain or shine.. the strands and
your video
Un plaisir pour entendre de vous,
wish you a lovely Sunday:))
visit moi

Cathy said...

Hi Mimi - Oh, I do love that necklace. It reminds me of one my grandmother wore that I always thought looked so elegant on your. Nice memories.

I am a loyal follower.

Cathy said...

I wanted to say "on her," of course. Guess I need another cup of coffee to wake up this morning.

Cheryl ~ Casual Cottage Chic said...

New to your blog and already loving it! Do enter me in your GIVEAWAY! Very elegant and would look great worn with a sheer white blouse! Oh, la la!

Daisy Reyes said...

Bonjour sweetest Queen!!!

I am LOVING these beads!!! They would go perfectly with so many of my outfits:)) Enter me in your sweet give- away!!! hope all is well with you my Frenchie friend:))

Have a happy Sunday!

highheeledlife said...

just wanted to let you know I have left something for you on my blog...

Cheers, HHL

Martha's Favorites said...

Hi: Love the beads. I have already become a follower. Thank you for the lovely show. Blessings, Martha

My Grama's Soul said...

Hi Mimi.....what a grand give-away. Please throw my hat in the ring. I have been a follower forever.



A'n'G Johnson said...

I just found you through the rosebud connection, and I am so glad I did! and just in time for a giveaway too.. Bonus!

I am now a new follower.

Unknown said...

Hi Mimi,
This is great, count me in my dear. How sweet that you thought of us on your brocante adventures.

myletterstoemily said...

such lovely jet black beads. you are so
sweet to offer them as a gift.

Laura Quaglia (Fun With This and That) said...

Your blog is great .Love the beads Hope I win I will be back I'new follower Laura Q

Madelief said...

Hi Mimi,

I am a lucky girl! Just came back from our holiday and saw your giveaway. I am glad I did not miss it. The necklace looks lovely!! I would love to take part. I will link your giveaway in my sidebar!

Lieve groet, Madelief

Gaia said...

I know where you are and what you are doing!!!!

Be are almost at the end...almost!!!


Laura said...

Hello Mimi,
Thank you for taking time to stop by the cottage! Do let me know how you like the scones when you make them. I am sure you will enjoy them!
A wonderful evening to you,

jujun dai said...

Share it Obat mencret pada bayi Aurora Obat tbc kelenjar getah bening Miya Obat penyakit thalasemia Lancelot Obat penebalan dinding rahim Akai Obat gondok beracun Cyclops Obat penghancur batu ginjal Allucard Obat menstruasi tidak lancar Balmon Obat penambah berat badan Roger Obat sakit pinggang Zilong Obat bentol bentol merah di badan Terimakasih...