Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bon Week-end

Bon Week-end!

Quiet courtyard garden in the Marais, Paris
The man in the back has found the perfect spot for lunch!

Happy Labor Day Weekend to my American compatriots!

Chek out our new Journal/Notebooks on the Belle Inspiration website.

Put a Little Ooh La La in Your Life!


Anna at the Doll House said...

I love lunch in the park - and what a park.


Ann said...

Oh what a lovely spot he found...

with spectacular view of the garden and with lovely tress for shades. I won't mind eating alone in there.

Simplement ... said...

Un endroit idéal pour pique-niquer ....
Bisous de beau dimanche

James said...

I agree, what a great place for a lunch. I'll bring the bread and cheese, you pick the wine!

highheeledlife said...

What a magical and peaceful place to enjoy lunch and let your thoughts free. All he needs is one of your beautiful inspiring journals to capture them , for reflecting upon later.

Mimi, these look absolutely great! Love the inspiration titles on each cover. Wishing you a fabulous week-end..xo HHL

Grammy Goodwill said...

I would love to have lunch in that garden.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

DEAREST! When is the issue in print coming out? Anita

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

A perfect spot indeed I would love to be sitting there with a delicious French lunch. XXXX

polkadotpeticoat said...

Lovely image and yes Labor day were enjoying our long weekend!

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous garden space!!!! Xoxoxo

Blondie's Journal said...

What a lovely courtyard!!

We are enjoying our long holiday weekend...then it seems fall will be right around the corner!!

Have a wonderful day, Mimi!


Sissie's Shabby Cottage said...

Hi Mimi,
Hope that you have a wonderful weekend too. I'd love to be having lunch in that same exact spot. Lucky guy.


FriolinaFancyDesigns said...

What a beautiful park, today the weather is quite lovely, so I will be going on a picnic as well though I doubt I will find a spot as nice as that

Anonymous said...

The park looks lovely and the man has discovered the perfect spot for a quite respite, He has no idea how many of us are actually enjoying his picnic too! I'm in town and would love to have un cafe if you get a minute! xox

Karena said...

Mimi so sorry I have not written for awhile. It is so nice that autumn is on its way!!

A beautiful and serene image, wonderful!


Art by Karena

Cathy at Wives with Knives said...

One of my favorite areas in Paris. I wish I was sitting in the shade there and enjoying a nice lunch. Hopefully one day soon.

Elaine Leon said...

Omg!! They look so good!!!

Ryan K said...

I love PARIS! What a beautiful blog! :)