Sunday, January 16, 2011

Belle Inspiration is Online & Giveaway Winner

We have two great things to share with you. 

First, Belle Inspiration e-magazine is online!

170 pages of inspiration for the new year!

Travel adventures, 
romantic dinners 
and Valentine's traditions

Click here if you haven't reserved your subscription!

More good news:

We have a Shabby Silver Giveaway Winner 

A big thank you to Lynn at The Vintage Nest 
for sponsoring this beautiful giveaway.

Félicitations to #14

Put a Little Ooh La La in Your Life


Mariette said...

Dear Bonjour Romance,

Kind of odd, not knowing a name to address a person...
Congratulations to Laurie Anna!
Have a great Sunday,


Mariette said...

Dearest Mimi,

Sorry, I didn't know that was your name... I've added my name just below the Leave your comment so people do know. Otherwise you always search the blog up and down or under personal information but often there's nothing to be found. We all want to visit several blogs and a little guidance would help.
By the way, I do have till January 25 an international giveaway of a 925/000 Silver Angel!

Merci beaucoup!


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

GOOD MORNING PRECIOUS ONE! CONGRATS to the lucky winner of such a beautiful vintage treasure! I got my copy of Belle and I am loving it. I am painting this weekend, but intend to finish off my draft for you....MUCH LOVE TO YOU DEAR HEART!!!!! Anita

Yvonne @ StoneGable said...

Oh Mimi I have so much to tell.
Will write you this week.
I have not even peeked at BI yet. I am saving it for tonight. I will go up to bed early and have some time to inhale this wonderul Ezine!
Missing you!
xo Yvonne

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Hello Mimi , I do hope that you are well :-) Congratulation to Laura anne .. its so wonderful when you see your name there ..:-) I should know .. your lovely little frame is right in front of me , next to my computer ♥

Anonymous said...

Mimi: You have outdone yourself! The latest issue is wonderful....stories, writing and photographs.
As to paper: well, I usually like to have everything in paper but I'm just now beginning to realize I have too much paper! I file on-line magazines separately, and go back to them all the time; so.. digital is fine for me!
Je commence un nouveau cours de francais cette semaine! Bonne chance, non?

Anonymous said...

Congrats to winner!!!! Xoxoxo

Jen Beaudet said...

Hi Mimi! I love the new issue!(not just because I'm in it) It is full of so many beautiful things. I love the articles about different places. I just wish I had more time to read it all! Thank you!!! Jennifer:)

Kathy said...

I am looking forward to checking this out! Congratulations to the winner!

koralee said...

Thank you so much for visiting me the other day.....this e-magazine looks to check it out.


Charlene said...

Beautiful Banner!

Lancerika said...

Bonjour Belle Mimi,
enchanted with this
*BI*romantic issue!
definitely the most
FabuleuX ever!

Unknown said...

Goodmorning lovely Mimi! How are you? Here's always a great way to stay!
Ps:I adore your e-mag!! I read it for the first time thank to Gaia, and I think that you do a great, great job!
Have a sweet day!

Kay Ellen said...

Thank you Mimi for your sweet comments on my blog today:))

Have a beautiful week filled with treasures & french music that brings a smile to your face!!

Kay Ellen

Couture Carrie said...

Congrats on both counts!


Karen said...

Bonjour and Merci Mimi!
I LOVE your blog also. I'm so glad you joined me as I Design my Journey on this new adventure.

I hope I hear from you again soon!
Warm thoughts to you-


LaurieAnna's Vintage Home said...

Oh my, what a sweet surprise! I can't wait to see it in person, thank you so much!!

Pratishtha Durga said...

Dear Mimi,
I can only imagine the kind of dedication and passion you have for the online magazine. I am going through a very dark phase in my life and need the bitter-sweet escape to all things beautiful. Hence, even though i am not posting for a while, I am taking time out to visit my favorite blogs and comment.

Hope you are having a wonderful 2011.


Anna Margaret said...

Hello dear Mimi,
I am always so very inspired
to go create every time I read through your Blog!
When I can, I would love to subscribe to your e-magazine!

Have a super Blessed weekend!
Anna Margaret

Melissah said...

I just discovered your great blog & loved it. I'm just new into blogging & have just finished off my own blog on fashion & interior design.
I had a lot of fun putting it together. I would love your feedback on it if you've got a spare minute.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Good morning my dear Mimi. Thank you for coming to visit me. I am so tired, I really am trying to do way too much. I have to start all over again this morning, every day.....but my eyes are weary and my imagination, EMPTY. It will come back, and I need it to come back very soon. Weekends are all that I have to put into creativity, and this weekend is gobbled up already. There goes Belle good original photos, no ideas. Forgive me. I am so grateful that you had faith in me, but I just can't make this deadline for Jan. 28th. I feel as I am throwing away an opportunity to be a part of a real writing circle, but it is impossible at the moment. Let me know your thoughts. I so appreciate your visit dearest; I so wish I had the skills and the professional background to write full-time, but I am so good at PIPE DREAMS! That is why my own little made-up publishing company is called, Le Petit Théâtre de Chimères!!!! I have one story that I already have printed out on my own and have made at least 10 copies of to give away as gifts, but that is about as far as I have gotten!!!

Many hugs to you for your friendship that has been very special to me! BONNE JOURNÉE! Anita

chateau de fleurs said...

hi Mimi, I just wanted to stop and thank you for another lovely magazine, I'm thoroughly enjoying it. It is filled with beautiful inspirations once again! XO Christie

Anonymous said...

Beautiful....just beautiful Mimi..xoxo

Anonymous said...

The magazine looks gorgeous. I have to come back when I'm not pressed to get ready for work. Have a lovely day ~ xox Alexandra

Unknown said...

Shared this Obat jari tangan yang kaku enough Obat luka dekubitus just Obat badan lemas dan lesu karena maag silva Obat untuk mempercepat datangnya haid messi Obat penyempitan saluran kencing CR7 Obat hidrokel rakitic Obat gondok beracun kane Obat penghilang koreng di kulit kepala sterling Obat herpes zoster Thank you so much... hehehe