Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Petite Love Story

With Valentine’s Day coming up
 I tend to get all sentimental
 and can’t help thinking back to that marvelous evening
when I met my honey.

So many of you have generously shared your fabulous romantic stories,
I thought I'd better take my turn.
Now I don’t want to bore you with all the details,
I pretty much shared it on my profile page,
 so here is my ‘short version’. 

Once upon a time…in a city named Paris,  
we met on the Avenue des  Champs Elysées .  
 It was a cool evening in May and the  Arc de Triomphe  glistened in the background.
 I love Paris in the Springtime!   


He insists he saw me walking along from quite far off.   
Jean beraud 

I had just clicked off the cell phone
and suddenly there he was about 10 feet in front of me.  
 A handsome man in a grey suit, briefcase and coat slung elegantly over his arm. 

We both remember the exact spot
we passed one another for the first time.
It was just under a tree right between
 Café Deauville and Ladurée a sweet spot indeed!!   

The red heart under the tree marks the spot where we met
(please pardon my sappiness)

He had to move aside to let me pass because there were so many people out and about.   
As I shyly looked up to smile my thanks,
 he literally stopped in his tracks and
 just stared (a bit open-mouthed) as I passed. 
I somehow managed to keep my composure as I passed by,
this was quite unexpected. 
I was… surprise! …flattered

You see, in Paris and many places in Europe this actually happens quite frequently, you ignore it.  
I'm rather uh, shall we say unfriendly, 
I have the “yes I’m ignoring you” thing down to perfection.

  But this was something entirely different.
The look on his face was priceless!    
I scurried past but from the corner of my eye I could see
he was still just standing there in the middle of
bustling sidewalk looking seriously smitten!.   

I immediately ducked into the outdoor café,
 dashed over to a quiet table in the back corner
and sank into the chair flustered by the whole thing. 
Thankfully the waiter came right over 
and as I was ordering a chocolat chaud
in my embarrassing French,
I watched this debonaire man walk in and move in a
determined line directly to the empty table next to me

He laid his coat over the back of the chair and sat down .  
A tourist family began asking him a question in English.   
He answered in accented English  –
 yes I was listening and watching!  
He was so kind and patient.

I felt like a schoolgirl – I was dumbfounded and excited!  
I knew he was a gentleman
I knew this was something different
And I knew he was there to talk to me!

What I did not know at that moment was this was destiny!
rdv zoom

He ordered his coffee in perfect French and then
he simply turned to me…

    The rest as they say is history.

And they lived happily ever after…

Put a Little Ooh La La in Your Life!

Mimi Bleu

Credits: Jean Bereaud, George Stein, Guy Buffet


Jenny said...

Oh, Mimi! Is it nosey or greedy to say I would love to hear the long version. This is sooo romantic. Kismet. THank you for sharing your tres romantique first meeting.

Sara Louise said...

Fairy tales do come true! The story of your meeting was a lovely start to my day, thanks for sharing

Lipstick Chick said...

Ohhhh, thank you so much for sharing! Such a romantic and serendipitous meeting!


Unknown said...

Oooooh - I just love it!!!
A perfect beginning to a life-long love story :-)

Eve said...

Dear Mimi,
that is so romantic ! I can´t believe that this really happened as it could be right a blogbuster movie ! What a luck that you´ve met ! What a chance that you went to that cafe, and what a feeling that he followed you ! Can this only happen in Paris ? I guess so...You are absolutely right: this must be destiny and your felt it !
Thank you for sharing this private and romantic story of your life with us and you should really think about writing a book about it :-)
Have a romantic day !
Eve xxx

Jacqueline @ HOME said...

It certainly doesn't get any more romantic than that, Mimi. Paris, Spring, eyes meeting, falling in love. Wonderful. XXXX

desde my ventana said...

Beautiful and romantic history. You are very lucky for having lived through these moments and in addition .... in Paris.
Big hug,

Sarah Trivuncic Maison Cupcake said...

Is that really how you met? That's incredible! Swoon!

Hausfrau said...

Wonderful--what a delightful story you have to tell! Sounds a bit like the Johnny Depp/Charlotte Gainsbourg movie I'm wanting to see, "And They Lived Happily Ever After'--I've seen a clip from the part where they meet!

Natasha in Oz said...

Oh my goodness Mimi, what a romantic story! I love the way you tell your love story and the those beautiful pictures are just divine too!

I have goosebumps!

Best wishes to you and your dear one, Natasha.

Paris Pastry said...

That is sooooooooo romantic! My dream "how we met" story! Cheers to you & him!

All things nice... said...

Hi Mimi

Oh what a wonderful love story :) You inspired me to put up my photographs of Paris on my blog :) It is such a fabulous city. Do you now live in Paris?

All things nice...

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Oh Mimi, that was absolutely precious, wonderful, SO FRENCH, romantic and inspiring! Now, I know that you had asked us to share our stories.....I still haven't written mine because I have been up to my ears in homework. When is this due and will it be posted somewhere? Let me know. I SURE ENJOYED YOUR STORY, MIMI! BEAUTIFUL! Anita

VM Creation Atelier said...

Dear Mimi!-)*

This story almost a Love story...SO teder and nice!
Thankyou for sharing of you feelings,
theare really romantic!

With love,***Violetta***

Chicago Chic said...

OK....YOU have the most amazing love story of all!!! :) I seriously got chills when I read this, what a perfect and beautiful story. Thank you sooo much for sharing, I absolutely loved reading your immensely romantic love story. (I love Valentine's Day as well, and you are inspiring my anticipation even more)


Magdalena said...

Mimi, This is such a beautiful and romantic love story. How wonderful to have met in the World's most romantic City :)
thank you for sharing

James said...

A perfect love story!

Vær våken said...

Wow...I almost got a little tear in my eye. Fantastic!! And sooo romantic!

*Chic Provence* said...

anything but boring! a perfectly rendered telling of the blossoming of true love...chills down spine!



Catherine said...

what a romantic story!I like when you say it happens frequently in Paris!and i love the pictures you chose.GOOD EVENING catherine

Stephanie said...

This is such a fantastic romantic story of how you met. I loved it!

Fleurette said...

Bonsoir chére Mimi Bleu, Your photos are amazing!!! I'm really glad I found your great blog!!!! I love Paris...I love France
Belle soirée

My Grama's Soul said...

What a sweet story. It gave me goose bumps reading it.

I must admit your perfect partner was destined to come into your life.

Blessings dear friend,


The Daily Connoisseur said...

What an amazing story! It is truly the stuff of movies... you are a lucky lady :)

Tish Jett said...

Oh no, no, no, no. More, more, more. I love your story it is so FRENCH, so charming.

I want so many more details.

Love at first sight.

I'm not sure I can make your deadline. Are any extensions allowed? If not, I understand, my little hacker friend has set me back a bit.

Clearly, you have ooh la la in your life.


Fifi Flowers said...

FAB story!!! Sooooo romantic!

taryn said...

What a fantastic story! Thank you! Ah love, isn't it grand? and nothing beats Paris in spring!

~taryn xx

Rachael said...

awww - so very cute :)

charmaine said...

noooo,please don't stop there, oh my goodness, i need to read more! i love romantic stories! from the sound of it you need to write a book and then put out the movie. Paris and love, it can't get any better than that. what an amazing story. how blessed are you to find your love in Paris. also, thank you for your very kind comments during my absence from my blog. you are a jewel!

God Bless,

Anastasia Schembri said...

What a beautiful romantic! You must tell us more, please!!!!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Ma chère Mimi!
You are such a sweet heart, a real "amour"....I haven't been able to celebrate my thesis success 'cause I have so much to do for a final paper and then report cards....but by Valentines Day, JE SERAI LIBRE!!!!! And have a marvelous evening chez toi avec ton amour!!!! Bisous, Anita

Anne in Oxfordshire said...

Wow that is soooo romantic, and to end up in Paris too.. Lovely :-)


Marvelous! Such a lovely story indeed! ~ Angela

Unknown said...

What a beautiful story...Thanks for sharing...XOXO
Thanks for your comments on my blog.

Sherrie said...

Oh I may have had steak and lobster, but you had a stranger in PARIS!! How absolutely beautiful. You presented your tale so beautifully as well. It is just like something from a movie with Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn. Thank you for sharing. By the way, thanks for the compliment on the look of my blog. I spent this afternoon doing some changes, sidebar labels etc. I'm still learning. Thanks.

Dumbwit Tellher said...

Bore us you did not. What a romantic & enchanting love story. I don't think many can beat that. Ahhhh...

Thanks for sharing Mimi xx deb

Blue Creek Home said...

I have goose very romantic!!!

Kristia said...

*melt* What an absolutely perfect story! And what a perfect introduction to you blog! Very nice to meet you!

Parisienne Farmgirl said...


That is WAY, WAY too romantic!!!! I am freaking out - just speechless. I can imagine the whole thing, I can hear the traffic, the tourists question, your heart pounding...


Simplement ... said...

Voici donc le quarantième commentaire qui me permet de te remercier pour le tien si gentil et de découvrir ton blog délicieux, si poétique.
Belle journée.

flwrjane said...

This is a lovely love story. More details please.

Deeba PAB said...

SIGH... beautiful. Love the happily ever after! xoxo

Unknown said...

oh my goodness, i can't believe how your story sounds like something from a movie! what a romantic beginning for a romantic lady!! i love it.
have a wonderful valentine's day with your man!
xoxo alison

vicki archer said...

Ooh la la fabulous...please tell us more..xv

Daisy Reyes said...

OH your Majesty,

I have to agree with all of your followers... what a romantic story!!! I just needed a good pick me up after, well you know the "blog horror". I was sooo drained from trying to get it back to normal and that just sucked the life right out of me!! So I just once again want to say Merci my Queen for lending an ear and your help. and for the beautiful story that has picked me right back up again!!!


Rita said...

Oh my dear Mimi,
what a beautiful,romantic and precious love story. thank you for sharing it with us all.

The romantic query letter and the happy-ever-after said...

Absolute Perfection. My thanks to you for sharing it with me.
Warm regards,

Penny from Enjoying The Simple Things said...

I loved hearing this romantic story! I will be visiting Paris March 15-20 this year with the love of my life. We have been married almost 30 years. Do you have any suggestions of where to go, what to see?

Unknown said...

This is, I think, the most romantic love story I have ever read.:-) So beautiful, elegant, so simple and so...I want to say dreamy.Thank you for sharing it with me. This is exactly how I would want to meet my secial someone (if I would not be married to that special someone already).Wishing you the most beautiful weekend!:-)

Brabourne Farm said...

Now that's how romance should be! Beautiful story - thank you. Leigh

Rita said...

My dear Mimi,
my comment today is a pure cry for help. Infact, my blog has been hacked into during the past couple of days and it appears not to be possible to open it at all. I do not seem to be able to solve the problem although I have asked all the IT experts I know (guess they're not expert enough LOL).
I expect that it won't be an easy task to bring things back to normal all by myself and I must admit that I've become so addicted to the lovely blogs, posts and comments of you dear blog friends that I'm definitely not willing to give up blogging. It's a real pity that despite all the efforts I've put in creating my li'l bloggy world this has to be destroyed by some very mean people. If you happen to know of somebody who's experienced the same problem, please e-mail me at
Until my blog will be alive and kicking again, take good care and happy blogging my friend.

Chrissy...The Apothecary Shop said...

Warmed my lovely!!

Annesphamily said...

I love this love story! I also love your blog. Thank you so much for sharing.

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

What a wonderful love story! Beautifully told and thanks so much for sharing!

Bleudelavande said...

Oooohhh sweet Mimi such a romantic love story!!!I would to hear the long version!!!!!
Have a nice weekend.
Tank you for your lovely comment!

Lee said...

You have Valentines all year long...I have chill bumps on my chill bumps.

Now don't get me wrong, I love my man, but our story wouldn't make a glamorous story such as that... I bet your guy can even dance.

Of course you know how much I love art so it was that much more endearing...

Wow, your blog has grown and grown. It is your amazing life and sweet personality that attracts so many.

Thank you for coming by and leaving your lovely comment and pulling me out of hybernation...I wouldn't have wanted to miss this.

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Mimi dearest! Thank you for coming by to shake off a few extra from all that bread!!! Isn't Gene Kelly just a killer of a dancer? And Cyd Charisse; bring it on!!!! Oh, I am sitting here, finishing up my last assignment and I am almost there!!!! YIHAA! Kiss Paris for me would ya! Bisous ma belle, Anita

The Gossamer Tearoom said...

Dear Mimi,
What a lovely romantic story! I love to hear how people met and what they thought of each other! When I met my dear husband, I remember thinking after talking to him, "What an intelligent person he seems to be!", which in our geeky bookworm world means, "What a hottie!"

Thank you so much for sharing your fairy tale with us!



Auntie Cake said...

What a beautiful story!!! And I loved the heart on the picture. I am so glad you met your love, and thankful that YOU went into cafe, and that HE had the presence of mind to follow, (or followed the pitter-patter of his heart) you!

Your story definitely got me more in the mood for Valentine's Day! I will have to come up with something extra good this year!

Living It At Home said...

Oh my! I just got the goosebumps reading your love story! Wow, truly meant to be that you met and are together. You could make a movie with your story it is so good! Thank you for sharing it.


Eve said...

Thank you again dear Mimi !
You are so kind ! I added the translator because I then don´t need to translate it myself, but I´m not quite sure what this thing is translating ;-) Sometimes I have a very "special" way using words.
My newst post is a Giveaway where you can win the items shown at the pictures. Just leave there a comment and you will participate if you like.

Have a very nice and romantic Sunday !

Splenderosa said...

I've just discovered you! I love you already. Your wit, your style and your sensitive, sweetness is beautiful. Come see me sometime. XXOO's from Texas, Marsha

Obee Designs said...

You can't possibly TEASE us all with the short version!! I see all the other comments from a lot of my other blog friends who are thinking the same way I am!! I have caught flies in my mouth from my jaw being open so long after reading your story. WE ALL WANT MORE!!
I see it now. It will be like a cliff hanger every day with you giving us bits and pieces of the rest of the story. We'll all be on the edge of our seats every day waiting for your next post with a tiny morsel more of this incredible and fantastic story!! I absolutely believe in fate. Your story exemplifies it. Were you just visiting Paris when this happened or were you already living there? I know you said you have lived in the U.S., so PLEASE, PLEASE, PUULEASE...tell us more.
That is, of course, if you wouldn't mind. I think you have opened Pandora's box :)

So this will be your first Valentines day together? If so, then OOOOOOH LA LA! my friend:)
Have a wonderful evening and I hope to hear more about your chance encounter turned fairy tale soon!!

Thilie said...

Oh Thank you for sharing! It is soooooo romantic :)

Jill said...

ahh i want to meet my husband in Paris :D

vanilla143 said...

This is better any book! What a precious memory/story/history! But I agree with Jenny at the top... more please.

TeriGigi/Girl Meets Paris said...

My mouth is hanging open! I missed this post... I'm catching up.

I "love" this story. Fairytales still exist!!!!!


Cheryl Carey Bass said...

Oh, Mimi! I'm with Gail from Obee Designs! We want more! You know we all dream of such perfect encounters and most of us at some point or another come to the conclusion that they just don't exist--they're all fairy tale! What a wonderful day to hear someone share such a lovely story of "kismet" in this modern day and age! Please give us MORE! Or better yet, let HIM guest blog for a day with HIS side of the story! Would love to hear about his smitten heart the moment he laid eyes on you!

Jackie said...

Well, It only took me two mons. to read this romantic post (ty for reminding me of it in your email!! Which I promise to answer shortly.
Running behind on things in Fl...
Anyhow, This is such a wonderfully romantic Reader's Digest version of your fairy tale. I loved it!

Parisbreakfasts said...

where have I been?
where's the next chapitre?
I'm dying of curiosity like the cat!

A House and Home said...

il y a tous que vous voulez aux champs elysees.

Fete et Fleur said...

This really is the stuff that romance novel are made of. I ran over to My French Country home, but she hasn't posted your story yet. I can't wait!

Castles Crowns and Cottages said...


Castles Crowns and Cottages said...

Ha!!! What a mess I to French Country in a few....Nancy is correct! What a wonderful, wonderful life we lead! Anita

Draffin Bears said...

Oh Mimi, I loved hearing your romantic and enchanting story, thank you for sharing.
This would make such a wonderful movie and book, you write so beautifully.

Happy week